“Waynescapes” – Tom Derr

Reception: June 6, 5-7pm

This exhibition – Waynescapes – evolved organically, somewhat by accident…

This exhibition – Waynescapes – evolved organically, somewhat by accident. My wife and I had settled here in Wayne County after searching coast to coast for the best place to retire. For both of us, coming from small towns, this was something of a return to our comfort zone. It was also recognition of the sights and feel of the surrounding countryside which appealed to my peculiar sense of aesthetics. Settling in, I began watercolor painting that I had been pursuing for a number of years. After a turning out several pieces, I began to realize I had done quite a number of local scenes, and I was developing a growing backlog of localities that I wanted to do. It was then that I thought a show of the work could highlight the character of the county which is sometimes overlooked.


While I’ve been painting in watercolor for a number of years, I’ve only recently felt that the results have been commiserate with my expectations. This stems from the fact that, originally, I had been attracted to watercolors because of their apparent simplicity. But I soon discovered that it is a very demanding medium.


I look upon art in general more as a process rather than an object; a verb as opposed to a noun. If, in doing art, I enhance my ability to see, increase my understanding of my surroundings and capture their feel, then I consider the art successful. Consequently, I look at this exhibition more as a result or by-product of my art. — Tom Derr