Presenter: Kelly D. Mezurek is a Historian of African American Civil War Personal. She is currently working on an edited volume of letters sent between the Black soldiers and sailors who served in the United States army and navy, often referred to by them as the Union army and navy, and thier families. This presentation focuses on the Oho Black community's response to the Civil War, the wartime participation of Black men and the experiences of their families at home, and how White Ohioans responded to their service. Special attention is fiven to the 5th and 27th United States Colored Infantries, the two African American regiments credited to the state of Ohio. “This program is made possible, in part, by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom. Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this (publication/program/exhibition/website) do not necessarily represent those of Ohio Humanities or the National Endowment for the Humanities."
Hosted by the County Line Historical Society of Wayne/Holmes.
Free Admission and Open to the Public.
Parking is across N. Market St.