We invite you to unearth the perfect flowers, trees and shrubs for your home when you explore the hundreds of selections at the Plant Discovery Day Plant Sale.
The sale will be Saturday, May 11 from 9 am—1 pm at the Secrest Welcome Center, 2122 Williams Rd., Wooster.
Unique and rare trees and shrubs are the highlight of the sale. And new this year, you’ll find fruit and nut trees, along with favorite conifers, native plants, perennials, annuals, hanging baskets, vegetables and herbs. Orchids and carnivorous house plants will also be available for purchase.
An exclusive pre-sale event—featuring the trees and shrubs selected by the Secrest Arboretum staff—will be Friday, May 10 from 3—4 pm. for Friends of Secrest members only. Members will get 10% off. Learn how you can join at friendsofsecrest.com.