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St. Christopher's - All Saints' Sunday

Sunday, November 5 - 10:30 AM

St. Christopher's Sunday worship is centered on Christ through the proclamation of Holy Scripture and the administration of Holy Communion.

On All Saints' Day we commemorate all those, known to us and known to God alone, who have gone before us in the faith and will come after us in the faith and joined in the chorus of heavenly worship from the time of Creation (Genesis 1) to New Creation (Revelation 21).

This year we have three Baptisms and a Reception.  Our Bishop will be here, and there will be a fellowship meal following the service.

At this service, during the Prayers, we will be remembering by name those whom we have lost from this life to the next personally, and also those saints whom we have commemorated throughout this year.  If you would like to include family/close friends who have departed this life in Christ, please send their names in an email to stchristopherswooster@gmail.com.

In the season of Trinitytide (between Pentecost and Advent), we grow in faith and discipleship and remember that the one true God is encountered and experienced in a trinitarian way because God is Trinity.  We have been created by God the Father, redeemed, restored, and reconciled to the Father by the Son, Jesus, and sustained by the Holy Spirit, who dwells in the hearts of those who welcome the life of God into their lives.  For in Christ, the Church, "being constructed, grows into a holy temple in the Lord (Son), in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God (Father) by the Spirit (Holy Spirit)" (Ephesians 2.21-22).


445 N Bever St.
Wooster, OH 44691
Event Type


St. Christopher's Anglican Church

Date / Time

Sunday, November 5, 2023
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Fr. Clay
(419) 234-2306
More Info: